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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Seeing Less of Me

Hopefully, in the coming weeks and months, you will be seeing less of me. I'm not talking about the frequency, I'm talking about the bulk. It seems as though I have reached some perfect fat-boy stasis. The amount of food that I eat, combined with the amount of calories that I burn toting my big 'ol self around meet up perfectly and I neither gain nor loose weight. It just stays at around 230. According to the people who know and name such things, that is obese. Well...not anymore.

In every cooking class, I get questions about what foods to avoid. I tell everyone the same thing...avoid things that are poisonous. Like rat poison. Or battery acid, antifreeze, arsenic, lye or over-sauced trout with cheap crab meat. My philosophy has always been, if it tastes good, it is good. If something is pretending to be something else, then the original is probably better for you anyway, just in moderation. This is just as true for butter/margarine as it is for Cher/drag Cher impersonator.

Now it is time for me to put my money where my very mouth is. Or better stated, put my big fat arse where my overly stimulated taste buds are. I am not going to change how I cook at all. I will use all of the seven deadly dietary sins (butter, bacon fat, cream, sugar, pork, carbohydrates and alcohol), but use them responsibly. If I eat a very heavy meal, I'll just add some time to my workout (oh yeah, I am going to start working out again). This is just a matter of simple math that would look like this in an Excel spreadsheet:



Feel free to correct my Excel syntax. I haven't run a big 'ol complex forecasting model in quite some time.

Each day. I'll come on here and post my progress or lack thereof. I'll include the weigh-in, what I ate for meals and snacks and if you, the readers request it, the recipes. I'll also jot down notes about my exercise. My goal is to fit into my sacred pair of Tom Ford pinstripe pants that have been gathering dust in my closet since, since, since...well...a long time ago.

Wish me luck. Cheer me on. Jeer or mock me if you must. This should be interesting. You can always check with Kitty if you need third party verification.

Bon Appetit!

PS: I started tonight with a big meal of summer vegetables. Squash Wild Garlic and Onions cooked in Pecan Oil, Basmati Rice with Butter and Chives, Lady Peas, Tomatoes with Mayo and Brussels Sprouts with Smoked Almonds.

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